organisational skills for domestic helpers

We have designed a course which is a combination of face-to-face training in person together with online training. 

The course is divided into 4 modules: each module is focused on organisational skills per room/area of the house (clients are free to choose which order of modules to follow and can choose 1, 2, 3 or all 4 modules): 

- Kitchen + Pantry + Laundry 

- Bedrooms + Linen Cupboards 

- Garage + Storeroom/Cellar 

- Living Areas 

We provide FREE supplemental reading material and online tips and tricks for easy reference throughout the course. 

Each module is two hours. The first module is face-to-face, and includes a 30 minute assessment of the chosen area of the home prior to the coaching/training. I will work personally with the helper to coach him/her on the area selected for the first module. 

Following the first module, we offer module 2, 3 and 4, focusing on the other areas of the home. These modules are also 2 hours, and include a brief assessment and recap of the skills which we coached in the previous module. We are able to do this online or face-to-face. 

Should clients choose the online option, an internet connection is necessary, as well as access to Whatsapp video, Skype or Zoom.

Contact us for more information or to make a booking